
Cute Cherry

suke ke blog ni ? like kan ea..thank awk ..

they are a part of me :)

3 Apr 2011

jiwang time

at 15:56
if ever you need me
i'll be right here
to chase away the sadness
and wipe away a tear

if ever you need me
i'll be two step behind
to follow in your footsteps
and hear what's in your mind

if ever you need me
i'll always be around
to bring back the laughter
and wipe away a tear

i am here for you..

*sajak nie agak jiwang..just want to make mine hati happy..<3...lau bce sjak ni..agak kelakar arn...2 yang suke wat jiwang2 nie...

haziqah berkata terima kasih ♥♥

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.awak leh tak tinggalkan comment kat bawah ni ?.
SATU pun jadi lah..haha :3


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